Terms and Conditions
These terms and conditions will assist the smooth running of all our activities.
1 Booking and Payment
Holiday Club
Bookings are taken via Classes4kids.
Adventure clubs and after-school sessions
Requests for places at after-school sessions and for Adventure Clubs should be sent to info@greensandforestadventures.org. We will confirm if a place is available. Once we have confirmed a space is available an invoice will be issued and payment is due by the first club of the term. A registration form will be emailed to you for completion if we do not already hold a copy in our records.
2 Notice periods
Holiday Club
Greensand Forest Adventures prides itself on running activities throughout the year in the great outdoors. We are unable to offer refunds in cases of cancellation once a session has been booked. However, if a child is unable to attend due to illness we will make every effort to offer a place on another occasion.
Adventure clubs
A full half terms notice or fees in lieu of payment is required to withdraw your child from Adventure Club.
3 Cancellation of the session
Activities may be cancelled in the following weather conditions: persistent heavy rain; high winds; severe ice or a lightening storm. We will use our shelters to continue the day wherever possible
In the event of weather conditions which necessitate bringing the camp to an end, fees will be refunded as follows:
4 Clothing
“When you see someone putting on his Big Boots, you can be pretty sure that an Adventure is going to happen” A.A.Milne, Winne the Pooh
As we have mentioned before, Greensand Forest Adventures prides itself on running activities throughout the year in the great outdoors. If children are wearing the correct clothing they will have a great Adventure, just like Winne-the-Pooh! Please check the weather for the day to ensure your children have all they need for their Adventure:
When a member of the group is inappropriately dressed they become a liability and everyone has their enjoyment compromised. Please help us to ensure your children have a fun day.
NB Crocs are not suitable and trainers are only appropriate during extensive periods of dry weather.
5 Independence policy
In order to attend our camps and holiday clubs children must be reliably toilet trained and robustly independent in their personal care, this includes being able to ask to use the toilet. Whilst children are reminded to use the toilet throughout the day they are not taken to the toilet.
6 Food
In line with many schools we operate a no-nut policy. This includes peanut butter and chocolate spread and fruit/cereal bars which contain nuts.
Please help us reduce waste by limiting the amount of litter in lunch boxes. We will not throw food away and will return it in the lunch box so you can see how much your child has eaten.
Water bottles (named) are essential for all our activities particularly in the summer.
7 Database Protection
We comply with Data Protection Act 1998. We will not sell or disclose any personal details to any other organisation